San Francisco Bay Area Bicycle Accident Attorneys
Regardless of whether you’ve driven in downtown San Francisco or biked along the Embarcadero, it’s clear the combination of cars, buses, and streetcars can make for a confusing mix that puts bicyclists in danger. As a result, most people aren’t surprise when they learn that from 2005 to 2009, there were roughly 2,200 bike accidents in San Francisco. But what about the suburbs – shouldn’t they be safer?
Bicycle Accidents and Bay Area Suburbs
According to data gathered by the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the number of bicycle accidents in some suburbs is alarmingly high. For example, from 2005 to 2009 there were 1,179 bicycle accidents in San Mateo, 3,564 in Santa Clara, 1,144 in Contra Costa, and an alarming 3,444 in Alameda. In areas with relatively little population, numbers were high as well: Napa saw 335 bicycle accidents while Solano witnessed 472. As a percentage of bicycle commuters in both areas, these numbers mean that 12.8% and 16.1% of all bicycle commuters in Napa and Solano respectively were involved in accidents.
Car Drivers must be to Blame – Rights? Not Necessarily . . .
Most bicyclists have a few horror stories to tell about car drivers who yell at them, pass too close, or don’t pay attention at intersections and nearly hit them. So, it must be car drivers who are responsible for most of these bicycle accidents, right? Think again – according to the data collected, 52% of the 14,000 bicycle accidents from 2005 to 2009 in the Bay Area were the fault of bicyclists. Car drivers were responsible for 34%. Even if solo crashes are taken out of the mix, in car-bicycle accidents, bicyclists were still responsible 48% of the time compared against 37% for motorists.
Bicycle Accidents in the Bay Area – Considering the Numbers
While it may be difficult to determine why the counties surrounding San Francisco have witnessed such a large number of bicycle accidents, perhaps the numbers themselves are due to the increasing numbers of cyclists on the road. As more and more people bike to get to and from work, cycling is no longer the province of sports enthusiasts. As a result, the increase in bicycle accidents is only to be expected, as there are now more cyclists on the road.
Hurt in a Bicycle Accident? Contact Weber & Nierenberg
If you’ve been hit by a motorist, it’s important to consult an experience personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Depending on the specifics of your case, it may be important to investigate the scene of your accident, gather evidence, and track down witnesses. At the San Francisco personal injury law office of Weber & Nierenberg, we have the resources and knowledge needed to investigate the cause of a bicycle accident and hold those responsible financially liable.
To schedule an appointment and discuss your case, contact Bay Area bicycle accident attorneys at Weber & Nierenberg today.